Recommendation: It’s Da Baum

Taking a repose from my propitious progeny, I thought it best to blast off to the dark side of the moon. There is not much I can say about Oz that has not already been dissected, vivisected or prosected! Rushdie himself was a big fan of Wizard of Oz, and wrote an analysis of it - his first published work after Khomeni issued the fatwa following Satanic Verses.
I will note however the dichotomy that Baum presents the reader in Dorothy’s opposing sense of adventure with her desire to return home. Immediately upon her auspicious arrival in Oz, Dorothy seeks a way home. Concurrently, she is presented with the chance to take an adventure, for which she is excited to embark upon.
I’m not going to spend time regurgitating the myriad of relevant cultural aspects of the Frank L. Baum’s work. I would encourage you however to check out these sites:
1. With regards to the synchronicity between the film and Pink Floyd’s Dark side of the Moon, smoke a reefer and check this out:
2. With regards to the socio-political interpretation of the novel, including the allegorgical nature of the book in relation to late 19th century U.S. Monetary policy, check this out:
Until the next time, there really is no place like (to be read in the voice of Price of Right guy, Rod Roddey).....a brand new condo home!
We have just learned about Frank Baum actually in my children's literature atuthor study. It was a surprise to me that I actually know who the author is in which you are speaking...haha
The alliteration is not only apt, but, amazingly, alluring. Your antics are appropriate, given how attentive you are to the actions of alternate authors.
An alternative explanation (mine) is that Oz was actually China:
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