Many of you, especially the estrogen induced ones, will most likely take offense at the current entry. I make no apologies, and welcome your scorn. I go into blog entries with an fair and open opinion, without knowing where the road will lead us.

As my eyes quickly acclimatize to the lighting in the studio, I quickly realize that I have not left my corporeal self. I am simply in the Yoga studio, and the women are not Greek goddesses, but simply women wearing today's haute couture - Lululemon gear. Now before I start, don't worry ladies, your asses all look great in those pants. Who am I to complain? Certainly I would never think of making a critical assessment of such cultural trends, but in the guise of my blog, I become a polemic pundit on all subject matters.
Lululemon is a corporation who, in their own words, sells "yoga inspired athletic apparel." Should you walk outside your door, you will notice that lululemon gear has become ubiquitous amongst below the age of 40. Women wear the omega inspired gear to the both downward dog and to walk the dog. It has become entirely acceptable to wear lululemon anywhere - soon I'm sure that Friday dress code will be replaced by lululemon Fridays.
I am fairly new to yoga, but even a Yoga-virgin can recognize that the corporate mantra is somewhat at odds with the views that yoga espouse. It would be beneficial to put forth a definition of yoga here:
Yoga is a Sanskrit word derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj" which means to connect, join or balance. The most important thing, however, is that Yoga - with its entire applications and implications - is a powerful means to an end. The ultimate end of all human pursuits is "Moksha." Moksha is freedom from all bondage; freedom from insecurities; freedom from the clutches of desires; freedom from the sense of limitations and inadequacy; freedom from all that thwarts us on our divine journey in life. In other words, the end of all human pursuits is everlasting peace, happiness and a sense of fulfillment.
Yoga relates to both Hinduism and Buddhism, as it preaches the practices of non-attachment. At $100 for a pair of lycra/nylon stretch pants, it is difficult to see how lululemon has been "inspired" by yoga. Rather, it would seem as though lululemon has been inspired by Kapitalism, with a capital K, comrades.
Although I may be rubbing sands in most of my readers eyes, remember that lululemon has chosen their own corporate mantra. Certainly, it is very smart marketing. Over the last 5-10 years, yoga classes and yogi doctrine has rapidly seeped into Western culture; lululemon have simply taken advantage of a cultural trend by providing the needed "equipment." I cannot comment on how comfortable the clothing is - I actually have every reason to believe that it is extremely comfortable. There is also little doubt that it looks great - as I said ladies, the ass looks great.
I am nothing if not equitable. If you wear lululemon, or plan on buying lululemon gear, I would strongly urge you to visit their Q&A: http://www.lululemon.com/about/faq
Although it says that all clothing are manufactured in clean and healthy manufacturing plants, how much effort do they make to ensure that such working conditions are maintained in places such as india and china? The good news is that, in most likelihood, the indian children espouse the views of yoga, and they are not bothered by getting paid $0.10 for manufacturing pants that their corporation then sells for $100 to western yuppies.
I will close on a positive note for lululemon. Their subsidiary company called OQOQO focuses on clothing made from sustainable fabrics It is certainly worth investigating. And I will say that any company that promotes healthy living is a good company. I simply ask you to ask questions without blindly following our culture's trends - we are, after all, not 14 year old girls anymore (well at least I'm not, ever since the operation).
Lululemon is a corporation who, in their own words, sells "yoga inspired athletic apparel." Should you walk outside your door, you will notice that lululemon gear has become ubiquitous amongst below the age of 40. Women wear the omega inspired gear to the both downward dog and to walk the dog. It has become entirely acceptable to wear lululemon anywhere - soon I'm sure that Friday dress code will be replaced by lululemon Fridays.
I am fairly new to yoga, but even a Yoga-virgin can recognize that the corporate mantra is somewhat at odds with the views that yoga espouse. It would be beneficial to put forth a definition of yoga here:
Yoga is a Sanskrit word derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj" which means to connect, join or balance. The most important thing, however, is that Yoga - with its entire applications and implications - is a powerful means to an end. The ultimate end of all human pursuits is "Moksha." Moksha is freedom from all bondage; freedom from insecurities; freedom from the clutches of desires; freedom from the sense of limitations and inadequacy; freedom from all that thwarts us on our divine journey in life. In other words, the end of all human pursuits is everlasting peace, happiness and a sense of fulfillment.
Yoga relates to both Hinduism and Buddhism, as it preaches the practices of non-attachment. At $100 for a pair of lycra/nylon stretch pants, it is difficult to see how lululemon has been "inspired" by yoga. Rather, it would seem as though lululemon has been inspired by Kapitalism, with a capital K, comrades.
Although I may be rubbing sands in most of my readers eyes, remember that lululemon has chosen their own corporate mantra. Certainly, it is very smart marketing. Over the last 5-10 years, yoga classes and yogi doctrine has rapidly seeped into Western culture; lululemon have simply taken advantage of a cultural trend by providing the needed "equipment." I cannot comment on how comfortable the clothing is - I actually have every reason to believe that it is extremely comfortable. There is also little doubt that it looks great - as I said ladies, the ass looks great.
I am nothing if not equitable. If you wear lululemon, or plan on buying lululemon gear, I would strongly urge you to visit their Q&A: http://www.lululemon.com/about/faq
Although it says that all clothing are manufactured in clean and healthy manufacturing plants, how much effort do they make to ensure that such working conditions are maintained in places such as india and china? The good news is that, in most likelihood, the indian children espouse the views of yoga, and they are not bothered by getting paid $0.10 for manufacturing pants that their corporation then sells for $100 to western yuppies.
I will close on a positive note for lululemon. Their subsidiary company called OQOQO focuses on clothing made from sustainable fabrics It is certainly worth investigating. And I will say that any company that promotes healthy living is a good company. I simply ask you to ask questions without blindly following our culture's trends - we are, after all, not 14 year old girls anymore (well at least I'm not, ever since the operation).
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